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学名:Macroteleia lamba
Female: Body length 3.33–5.26 mm (n=18). Color. Body black; mandible dark brown; palpi yellow; legs pale brown throughout; A1 brown, A2–A5 dark brown, remainder of antenna black; fore wing hyaline. Head. Transverse in dorsal view, 1.24–1.36× as wide as long, slightly wider than mesosoma; lateral ocellus contiguous with inner orbit of compound eye; POL 1.31–1.58× LOL; occipital carina continuous medially, irregularly crenulate throughout; central keel absent or weakly developed above interantennal process (Plates 37A, 38C, 40A); medial frons obliquely strigose ventrally, irregularly smooth dorsally; ventrolateral frons punctate rugose; frons below median ocellus densely punctate, interspaces coriaceous; ocellar triangle coriaceous, with scattered punctures; posterior vertex punctate reticulate; gena coarsely punctate rugose; length of A3 equal to length of A2. Mesosoma. Cervical pronotal area densely punctate; dorsal pronotal area areolate; lateral pronotal area rugulose anteriorly, punctate rugulose posteriorly; netrion punctate rugulose; notaulus deep, distinctly foveolate; middle lobe of mesoscutum densely punctate, becoming denser anteriorly and at posterior end; lateral lobes of mesoscutum densely punctate, interspaces in part coriaceous; mesoscutellum densely punctate throughout; Metascutellum triangular (Plates 37B, 38D, 40B), strongly produced medially, extending into space between propodeal lobes; propodeum narrowly divided into two subtriangular lobes (Plates 37B, 38D, 40B), each side with several irregular longitudinal carinae medially, otherwise punctate rugulose; upper mesepisternum with a row of robust longitudinal carinae below subalar pit; lower mesepisternum punctate rugulose; mesopleural depression smooth (Plates 37C, 38E, 40C); metapleuron longitudinally striate throughout. Legs. Slender; hind femur weakly swollen, 4.00–5.00× as long as its maximum width; hind tibia without spines over outer surface; hind basitarsus 11.00–11.80× as long as its maximum width. Wings. Apex of fore wing extending from as far as anterior third to posterior margin of T4; R 1.62–2.44× as long as r-rs, R1 1.91–2.24× length of R. Metasoma. Posterior margin of transverse sulcus on T2 straight or slightly convex (Plates 37D, 38F, 40D); sublateral tergal carinae developed on T1–T3; T1–T3 densely longitudinally striate medially, with scattered delicate punctures in interstices, punctate rugulose laterally; T4–T5 densely longitudinally striate throughout, with delicate punctures in interstices; T6 finely punctate dorsally, densely longitudinally striate laterally, with scattered small punctures in interstices; length of T3 0.91–1.15× length of T6; T5 distinctly longer than wide; S2–S6 densely longitudinally striate, with delicate punctures in interstices; prominent longitudinal median carina present on S2–S5. Male: Differing from female as follows: body length 3.57–5.26 mm (n=6); A1 brown, remainder of antenna dark brown to black; hind coxa blackish; metascutellum distinctly transverse (Plate 41A), posterior margin slightly pointed medially, longitudinally carinate; propodeum continuous medially, not divided into two separated lobes, posterior margin narrowly notched medially, each side with several irregular longitudinal carinae medially, otherwise punctate rugulose, covered by dense, recumbent, white setae; T1 sparsely longitudinally striate medially, with rugulose sculpture in interstices anteriorly, punctate rugulose laterally; T2–T3 densely longitudinally striate medially, with numerous delicate punctures in interstices, punctate rugulose laterally; T4–T5 densely longitudinally striate throughout, with numerous delicate punctures in interstices; T6–T7 longitudinally punctate rugulose; T6 distinctly longer than wide; length of T6 1.07–1.18× length of T7; T7 subtriangular, apex pointed (Plate 41B); length of T7 2.15–2.53× length of S7; S7 longitudinally punctate rugulose; prominent longitudinal median carina present on S2–S6.